The Ukrainian cultural festival in Stockholm

The Ukrainian cultural festival in Stockholm

An exciting one-day Ukrainian cultural festival is set to take place on August 12th at the picturesque Vintervikens Trädgård, one of the charming gardens in the capital of Sweden. The event, as announced on Facebook, promises a delightful program from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The festival will feature a vibrant fair showcasing the talents…



EU CHESS ECU CALENDAR 2023 *The exact dates of the first and the last round of each competition are finalized by the official invitation. Event Venue Arrival Departure European Cities&Towns Chess Championship Hybrid 29-Jan-23 29-Jan-23European Individual Chess Championship Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia 02-Mar-23 14-Mar-23European Women’s Individual Chess Championship Petrovac, Montenegro 17-Mar-23 30-Mar-23European School Chess Championship Durres,…

New art of artist Spialuna Homesickness

New art of artist Spialuna Homesickness

In this mesmerizing piece titled “Homesickness” Spialuna delves into the complexities of longing and belonging through the lens of abstraction. The canvas comes alive with a striking interplay of vivid blue and serene green patches, creating an emotional landscape that resonates with viewers on a profound level. At the heart of the composition lies the…

PinchukArtCentre: We are opening new exhibitions!

PinchukArtCentre: We are opening new exhibitions!

Welcome to three new exhibitions, which will be held at the PinchukArtCentre since 12:00 on June 30, 2023. The PinchukArtCentre is open from 12:00 to 21:00 from Wednesday till Sunday. The admission is free.Free guided tours are held from Wednesday till Friday at 18:00, from 14:00 and 18:00 on weekend. “Flying Trajectories”a solo exhibition by…

Exhibition dedicated “Wounds of Cities” at the National Museum Kyiv Picture Gallery

Exhibition dedicated “Wounds of Cities” at the National Museum Kyiv Picture Gallery

On July 7th, at 5:00 PM, the opening of the relevant exhibition project by students of NAOMA “Wounds of Cities” will take place at the National Museum “Kyiv Picture Gallery.” The conceptual basis of all participants’ works is the understanding of the tragic present through the prism of the devastating impact of war on cities….

ЮНЕСКО «найрішучішим чином» засуджує напади Росії на об’єкти всесвітньої спадщини в Одесі

ЮНЕСКО «найрішучішим чином» засуджує напади Росії на об’єкти всесвітньої спадщини в Одесі

ЮНЕСКО «найрішучішим чином» засудила нещодавнє бомбардування Росією українського портового міста Одеса, напад, який залишив у руїні кілька улюблених культурних об’єктів.  На початку цього року історичний центр міста було оголошено об’єктом Всесвітньої спадщини , що перебуває під загрозою зникнення.  Одрі Азуле(Audrey Azoulay), генеральний директор ЮНЕСКО, заявила: «Це обурливе руйнування знаменує ескалацію насильства проти культурної спадщини України. Я рішуче засуджую цей…

Ukrainian Art Exhibition Debuts in the Limerick, Ireland

Ukrainian Art Exhibition Debuts in the Limerick, Ireland

Artwork crafted by Ukrainian refugees residing in Limerick is now gracing the halls of the Further Education and Training Campus on O’Connell Avenue. The “Revived by Art” exhibition proudly displays the masterpieces of an art therapy studio that found its home at the Redemptorist Catholic Church over the past year. Curated by Ukrainian artist Lyubov…

Exhibition about Kyiv in the 1960s at the National Museum Kyiv Picture Gallery

Exhibition about Kyiv in the 1960s at the National Museum Kyiv Picture Gallery

Discover the familiar places of Kyiv and its surroundings as they were decades ago in the new exhibition «Рідне місто. Київ 60-х», at the National Museum Kyiv Picture Gallery. The exhibition showcases the time-traveling journey through watercolor works by Arkadiy Zernetzky. “Architect and artist Arkadiy Fedorovich Zernetzky was a highly knowledgeable individual and a true…

«Вікі любить Землю» (Wiki Loves Earth)

«Вікі любить Землю» (Wiki Loves Earth)

«Вікі любить Землю» (Wiki Loves Earth) — це міжнародний фотоконкурс 2023 року, метою якого є: Українська частина фотоконкурсу проходить з 1 до 31 липня включно. Конкурс уперше проведено ГО «Вікімедіа Україна» у 2013 році. Цей проект визнано другим найкрутішим проектом на Вікіманії 2013. Детальнішу інформацію можна знайти на сайті Щоб взяти участь, пам’ятайте Усі…